The Beginner’s Guide to Martinis, in Honor of Martini Day


Martini day

It seems there’s a holiday for everything these days and we aren’t complaining. Martini Day is the perfect excuse to talk about our favorite subject – alcohol. Instead of sharing our favorite martini recipe, we felt the need to take you on a journey and make you a martini expert yourself. So, cheers!

The martini cocktail is known as one of the best cocktails in the world. There’s just something classy about it.

When you picture someone drinking a martini, do you imagine a buoyant housewife or sophisticated businessperson? It is what we see in the movies after all… But here’s a secret, this drink is accessible to anyone!

Just think of yourself making a fancy martini for your friends next time you host, which could be on Martini Day. Typically made with gin and vermouth, chilled and served with a fancy garnish, this drink is sure to please.

Martini preparation can be tricky! There is more to this cocktail than just a clear spirit and an interesting garnish. With a handful of varieties to choose from, each with its own unique and magical qualities, the martini can seem overwhelming.

That is why, on this national holiday, we’ve broken down each martini for you.

The Fifty-Fifty Martini

The Fifty-Fifty Martini is, well, fifty-fifty – equal parts dry gin to dry vermouth. It also contains some citrus in the form of orange bitters and a lemon twist. There is an obvious smell of fresh lemons, accompanied together with a clean, cold, and strong Jupiter. Altogether, this drink doesn’t have a powerful gin flavor, and is topped with a soft orange-bitter after taste.

The Vesper Martini

Steeped in old culture and made in a traditional way, the Vesper Martini is made with a mixture of both gin and vodka, as well as Cocchi Americano. The vodka acts as a softener for the powerful flavor of gin, while the Cocchi Americano adds a sweeter flavor. This drink is a whole new experience on its own – served chilled, shaken not stirred, and garnished with a zesty lemon swath.

The Standard Martini

The Standard Martini comes with a savory garnish like olives and a twist of citrus. We believe that the garnish adds a whole new experience for the drinker, even when the cocktail formula itself doesn’t change. A Standard Martini is also great simply because you get a little snack in your drink! Use the olive snack to cleanse the palate in between sips.

The Dirty Martini

The Dirty Martini contains olive brine, which provides a “dirty palate”. This essentially means that the martini flavor will have more depth. If you prefer a cleaner palate, order your drink without the olive brine.

Still overwhelmed – okay, we get it. Let’s further your education and talk about ordering a martini… leave the hard work to someone else.

How to Order Your Drink on Martini Day

There are a few ways to order a martini. Ask for:

Shaken or Stirred Martini

When you ask for shaken or stirred it is how it sounds – shaken or stirred. If you want the drink to be chilled and shaken with ice before served in a glass, ask for shaken. If you want your martini cocktail to be gently stirred with ice before it’s served to you, ask for stirred. We encourage you to try it both ways so you can decide for yourself which you prefer.

Wet or Dry Martini

Ordering a wet or dry martini refers to the amount of vermouth you want in your cocktail. Dry, being a little vermouth. Wet, being heavier vermouth. Find out which you like by experimenting with your orders and eventually you’ll be that person – the one ordering a fancy, sophisticated drink perfect for their liking. Find out how you can make a Martini dry!

Dirty Martini

As mentioned above, the dirty martini is garnished with an olive and made with olive brine. This gives the drink more of a bite. If you want your cocktail to be smooth and clean, don’t order it dirty… no pun intended.

We hope the above guide has helped you up your martini cocktail game, and that you’ll feel confident enough to order – or even make – a martini the next time you’re in need of a drink.

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