It’s Wednesday Wine #6 and it’s all about royalty and nobility today with Champagne. The most prestigious and sought after sparkling wine the world over, Champagne has a couple rules to it. One of the big ones being if it is to be called a champagne, it must come from the Champagne region of France. Anything sparkling from outside that region in Europe and in most parts of the world can’t carry the champagne name, this is due to regulation laws in the region that are meant to keep the quality of the products to a certain standard.
Champagne has become a more casual sparkling wine with the popularity of brands like Moet and Veuve Cliquot but there is still just a natural elegance with this wine. I have gained a much deeper appreciation for this kind of sparkling wine lately just due to the attention to detail the process of making the wine takes. It’s pretty incredible to see how the traditional Champagne method has persevered throughout the years and all the people who work to keep these traditions alive.
Champagne brings zesty citrus notes to it with a slightly toasty or biscuit taste to it. Pair a bottle of Moet from our stores with anything fishy, fried or salty and start any celebration in style! Cheers!